Kristi and Molly
A Living Organ Donor and Transplant Recipient Story
Well, these two have been on my mind since I spent the day with them for their 40 Over 40 Photoshoot. I don't even know where to begin with this rich story with all its layers that are purely lined with Divine Light.
I'll briefly explain how they came to me and post a link to Good Morning America to see this amazing story unfold. Kristi sent me a message to join the campaign and this is what it said...
"What excites you about participating in the 40 Over 40 Campaign?: At 56, I will finally graduate from college at the end of the month. Nearly 4 months ago, I was fortunate enough to be able to be a living kidney donor. Actually, could I do this for my recipient instead of me? Her name is Molly Jones and she’s 42. She deserves to feel beautiful and to be celebrated!!!"
OMGOODNESS... I had them BOTH in to be celebrated. Kristi, the bombshell brunette on the left is such a fun spirit. She IS light and joy, that is what I feel deep in my own soul. She has such a presence about her that is selfless and love, and maybe if you look fast enough, you'll see angel wings.
Molly, the bombshell blond on the right, is a bold and strong woman with a spirit that holds the room. Her essence is so big, bright, and...fierce.
To say that we had an amazing day doesn't even touch it! I sit here with my fingers on the keyboard, struggling to find the words for the energy of it all, and I'm speechless. You just had to be there.
Look at the love here. Look at the gift of life given. Now ask yourself how you can be a beacon for another. I'm not saying you have to donate a kidney, but you can. I'm saying the little things count too. Maybe make those little things a little bigger. Love is free.
Check out their new facebook group Bean Buddies: A Kidney Transplant and Donation Forum
See their first interview from Good Morning America where it all went national. Click Here
And of course, if you want to join this empowering campaign, please reach out. Learn More Here